Ireland Portugal Business Network

Ireland Portugal Business Network

Chairman: Geoffrey Graham

Network Manager: Arnold Delville

The Ireland Portugal Business network is a community of people in business who want to explore opportunities, partnerships and collaborations with other business people in Portugal or in Ireland. IPBN is unique as it is the only independent organisation recognised by the Portuguese and Irish Governments and State organisations to provide such cross country facilitation.

The IPBN fosters cross country opportunities, partnerships and collaborations through various routes.

  • Hosting high quality, industry specific, focussed events with invited industry experts and having our members contribute
  • Extensive social media promotion of IPBN members profiles, their activities and successes to our large network of contacts
  • Informing IPBN members of opportunities or sharing information that will help them to develop their business
  • Introducing IPBN members to organisations and agencies that can facilitate and assist our members develop business in both Portugal and Ireland
  • Identifying IPBN members where other members ask for help to find a service or product they need
  • Showcasing IPBN members to the business community through open networking events
  • Levering other members experiences in entering a foreign market be it Portugal or Ireland

We are about assisting our members and giving as much value as we can. Talk to us to find out how the IPBN can help you find opportunities, partnerships and collaborations.

Tel: +351 968 764 790
LinkedIn: /ireland-portugal-business-network
Facebook: /IPBNPortugal